We have changed bayz to an R package (BayzR) and the first version is now available for download (see below). If you are new to Bayz in R have a look at the Quick start section to see some examples and features of using bayz in R.
Installing the following compiled package (windows only) seems to work well on Windows 10 and 11, but if it would give problems, revert to the option below to compile from source.
install.packages("coda") install.packages("http://www.bayz.biz/BayzR_0.0.7.zip", repos = NULL, type = "win.binary")
library(nlme) library(coda) library(BayzR)
See the github page github.com/ljanss/BayzR with instructions.
If you are interested in co-developing and submitting changes in the source code, then clone our development repository github.com/MarniTausen/BayzR. It is not advised for regular users to use the development version as it may contain bugs or crash when we are in the middle of implementing some new feature.